Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Homework: Seaside

             The floor creaked when I took one step forward. I continued to pace myself as the creaking continued with every step I took. I heard a whoosh of air and felt the chill of the wind, a feeling that strangely complements the stinging sensation from the sun’s rays against my skin. I went farther along, and the feeling of the ground underneath my feet changed. At the same time, the creaking stopped. I started to feel the warm, powdery sand in between my toes. The more I walked forward, the more the sand enveloped my feet. The smell of the air turned a bit salty. I could hear waves crashing on the shore. I walked further, and I felt the wind get stronger. The sound of the waves got louder as well. The sand underneath my feet started to feel moist. It became a lot colder, and it became tougher for my feet to sink in.

            I stopped walking and just stood still. The cool water rushed up to my feet and got pulled down where it came from. The water rushed up and down once again. As I felt the waves crash on my feet, the heat I felt from the sun would dissipate. The wetness the water left on my feet made the blows of wind feel colder against my skin. The temperature of the water on my feet made stimulated my entire body. The loud sound of the waves crashing on the shore blocked all other sounds from my hearing and brought me peace. The smell of the air was refreshing as if it was cleaning out my lungs. The feeling was relaxing. 

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